Printing environment variables in GitLab CI/CD pipelines

We had the need to print the environment variables used as parameters of GitLab CI/CD pipelines. Right now there is no official straightforward way to do it, so I resorted to a tiny custom way to do it.

For both debugging and “explanability” reasons it is very handy to know which parameters were used to start GitLab CI/CD pipelines.

Jenkins, for examples, does exactly this out of the box. GitLab CI/CD is super nice but doesn’t have this feature at the moment.

So I eventually crafted a solution for that.

The situation

First of all, the head of our .gitlab-ci.yml is the following:

        value: "default value"
        description: "This variable is used to do x"

        value: ""
        description: "This variable is used to do y"


Hence the following rules:

  • Each pipeline has a configuration of environment variables, defined in the variables section.
  • At the moment we aren’t interested in other non-defined variables.

The problem is that a simple job that print the env also reveals other environment variables that are not interesting. So we need something more complex.

Some ideas

I explored these ideas:

Idea 1: the “diff”

Exploiting the inherit:variables option it is possible to get the difference between all the environment variables and only the ones that are injected by GitLab.

In other (totally not needed) words, let’s define:

  • $A$: the set of all environment variables of the job.
  • $D$: the set of the default injected variables.

Then, $X = A - D$ is the set of the defined variables (what we want).

This idea looks perfect on paper, but doesn’t work as expected, because you actually need two jobs to achieve it:

  • Job 1: calculate $A$ with env.
  • Job 2: calculate $D$ with env and inherit:variables to false.

And in each job you get different values for some default variables that GitLab injects, so a simple diff wouldn’t work.

(yes, you could work more on that path, for example by having a predefined list of unwanted default variables to filter out, but I didn’t want to hardcode anything)

Idea 2: YAML tricks

The idea is to fully exploit the characteristics of the YAML language to print the very variables dictionary.

One way is to define an anchor to variables and somehow echo it, but I didn’t find a way to do it.

Idea 3: little custom solution

The images that we use to run the jobs contain some utilities, including yq, which allows to parse and transform YAML.

So the idea is:

  1. Parse the very .gitlab-ci.yml file to get a list of all the defined variable names.
  2. Flatten the result into a string representing a series of OR that grep can evaluate.
  3. Use that expression to grep the result of env.

You can do this with a one-liner in a single job.

    stage: .pre
        - env | egrep $(yq '.variables | keys | ... comments = "" | map("^" + . + "=") | @csv' .gitlab-ci.yml | tr "," "|")

Let’s unpack it and explain it:

  1. First get the env.
  2. Pipe it to the result of a grep:
    1. Parse the variables section of the YAML file.
    2. Just keep the keys.
    3. Remove comments.
    4. Map every VAR to ^VAR=, to create a regex to match any string that starts with VAR and ends with =.
    5. Transform all to a CSV string (VAR1,VAR2,...).
    6. Replace commas with pipes, to complete the regex (VAR1|VAR2|...).

The result is just the portion of env which keys are defined in the variables section.


Do I like this solution? Yes and no. Is it perfect? Nope. I would have preferred something given by GitLab. Maybe there is a more elegant solution but I don’t know it. In any case, this solution works good, is fast, compact and yes, also elegant.

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